About Us
Board of Directors
Whispering Winds Board of Directors
Jody Studstill, 2830 NE 120th Street, Chiefland, FL 32626, studstill_bja@yahoo.com, 352-538-3035
Ruthann Ross, 15651 NW 2nd Street, Chiefland, FL 32626, rossra@bellsouth.net, 352-463-6603
Barbara Locke, 5251 NW 137th Lane, Chiefland, FL 32626, lockewb26@yahoo.com
Judy Benton, 9350 SW 62nd Ct, Trenton, FL 32693, rjbenton79@gmail.com, 352-221-0488
Co-directors, Kim Bartley and Jennifer Pittman, will attend board meetings, but are not voting members of the Board of Directors.
kimberly.bartley@levyk12.org or jennifer.pittman@levyk12.org at 352-490-5799.