Board Minutes - June 20, 2023


June 20, 2023


Members Present: Jody Studstill, Barbara Locke, Ruthann Ross        

Absent: Judy Benton

Others Present: Kimberly Bartley, Angie Jordan


Meeting called to order

Minutes were read and discussed - Motion by Jody to approve minutes as read and seconded by Ruthann; Motion carried

Financial statements were presented and discussed. No questions

ERC - Employment Retention Credit/IRS

         IRS is supporting funds to pay back businesses who maintained their employees and paid them through COVID, Our school has applied for these funds and we are in process.

2023-24 School Year

       Employees - Fully Staff as of this meeting

       Enrollment - 118 students as of this meeting - Opening in VPK, 4th and 5th grades

       Expected FTE - $925,000

       SRO Expense - $18298.00 Safe School Allocation $14,554 (District will keep this)   WWCS part is $3,743.44

       Teacher salary increase funds are $8681 - This will be divided equallty between our 7 teachers and one OPI. These funds are now included in our base FEFP funds and a percentage will be taken annually to reach the goal of $47,500 base pay for teachers.

Barbara made a motion accept the plan and seconded by Ruthann; Motion carried

Meeting Adjourned


SAC Meeting

Student Handbook, the Parent-Student-School Compact and Wellness Policy were reviewed and discussed a motion was made to approve all three documents by Ruthann and seconded by Barbara with changes discussed.


Meeting adjourned

School Calendar