Board Minutes - May 3, 2022

Members Present:   Barbara Locke, Ruthann Ross, Judy Benton, Jody Studstill

Members Absent: Megan Hassell


Meeting called to order 5:33 pm

A motion was made by Jody Studstill to accept the resignation for Megan Hassell as a board member and seconded by Judy Benton; Motion carried


A motion was made by Ruthann Ross to accept the minutes of the January 11, 2022 board meeting, seconded by Barbara Locke; Motion carried.


The Student Parent Handbook was discussed, a motion was made to accept the handbook by Barbara Locke, seconded by Judy Benton; Motion carried.


Budget was discussed for the 2021-22 school year. Adjustments were discussed. The annual budget will be over budget due to unforeseen expenses. There are adequate general funds to cover the overages.


Meeting adjourned

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